In recent years years, of beam shaping technologies is growing fast with laser becoming a more economically available solution for various applications, than ever in the past.
There are multiple technologies to preform beam shaping functions. One of the more flexible and accurate solutions available, is Diffractive Optics.
A diffractive optical element (DOE) uses thin micro-structure patterns to
alter the phase of the light that is propagated through it. Those micro-structures, once properly designed, can manipulate the light to almost any desired intensity profile or shape.
The two main families of diffractive optical elements are Beam Shapers and Beam Splitters. Those two are divided into sub-categories based on the function the DOE performs on the light beam.
There are two main families of DOE
products: beam splitters and beam
The following article shortly explains the very basics and fundamentals of diffractive optical elements, and provides examples to some of the more common applications utilizing this unique and innovative technology. Read our article
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