Many applications in the Solar panels and Microelectronic industries require parallel ablation or scribing of lines on a flat substrate, such as scribing of electrodes or copper removal. These sorts of applications often employ Holo/Or’s Multi-Spot Beam Splitter DOE to create the spots used for the parallel writing, along with a scanner.
Often, a large area needs to be covered by the spots, with good uniformity, and at short wavelengths (UV and green, mostly), which can be challenging to achieve.
Over the years, Holo/Or has developed methods for dealing with such systems, including full design of the focusing system to be used with our Beam Splitter DOE to achieve the required performance.
For enhanced performance, we recommend using our HEDS / HEQS elements, which are special sub-aperture based DOEs capable of splitting the input beam into parallel spots with >95% efficiency and almost no power in undesired orders, perfect for customers with highly demanding power applications.
However, customers should be aware that unlike the regular Multispot elements, the HEDS / HEQS are sensitive to centration and alignment.
Contact us for more details.
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